Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Excatly one hour ago Barack reached the 270 electoral votes needed to be the 44th President of the U.S!!! {Votes are still bein counted, now he has 303}

I didn't even have to watch tv to know this because out here in Brooklyn firecrackers went off, people ran yelling Obama all down the block, and car horns was goin off. The horns was gettin on my damn nerves but its wateva, I understand how everyone feels. I am so excited to have been a part of this historical moment. But at the same time I hope people realize that this does not give them an excuse to go act a ass! I just watched Obama give his speech and now I'm gonna take a shot and go to sleep cause I have a midterm in the morning.

>>>>don't forget that Obama is not actually President till January 20, 2009 and that it takes time to create CHANGE!! A lot of people are expecting things to happen over night and it doesn't work like that.

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