Superhead has a new blog video out now basically doing what she said in her second book she won't do anymore cause she is better than that which is rattin on people. Jermaine O'Neal slapped her on the ass and she feels disrespected...I have a few words for her and if you choose to watch her rant I included that also:
BITCH PLEASE GET A LIFE! I'm so tired of these stupid ass blog videos you keep putting out. Nobody gives a damn anymore really, I'm not gonna hate on you or anything. I really enjoyed the first book (not the second one) but now things are getting a lil bit old. You are 30 and have a kid...worry about your life and not others. What are you getting from telling everyone that he slapped you on your ass? You made you bed now sleep in it!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Just a lil' heads up....
I am back home in New Orleans for the holidays so I won't be blogging that much. I have to catch up with my friends and family so inbetween the partying, shopping, and eating good food I will try my hardest to say a lil' something here and there.
With that being said....everyone have a great Christmas. Happy holidays!!
With that being said....everyone have a great Christmas. Happy holidays!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Throwback of the week: New Edition-Cool It Now
I was listening to some old school music wit my nigga Will and it made me wanna put up a 'throwback' blog on here. So every week I will bring ya'll either a throwback video or song......
Let me just say that this is my shit! When I watch this video now I think "this nigga fell hard over some pu*sy and is actin to soft, got his niggas frustrated" lol. I think its weird how Bobby Brown looks the exact same.
Let me just say that this is my shit! When I watch this video now I think "this nigga fell hard over some pu*sy and is actin to soft, got his niggas frustrated" lol. I think its weird how Bobby Brown looks the exact same.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Today is not the day...
I am having a horrible day so I won't be able to get around to posting the new 'Freaky Friday' of the week or the song of the week. I will probably do it tommorow. I am sorry for being a bad blogger but right now I need a lil' break. I promise I will post it, just will be a day late.
New Ish: Curtains-Night Of The Living Dope
EWWWWWWWW this video is sick!!! Had to check out his Myspace after I seen this one! Be on the look out for dude.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
New Ish: Cau2g$-Runnin' The Town
New video from Riot Squad member Cau2g$. Make sure u peep out!! {R.I.P Stack Bundles}
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My current mood
My head hurts for real. I can't wait to go back home to New Orleans this Sunday for the Christmas/New Year holiday. My friends always seem to take all problems off my mind and help me forget them forever. {I guess thats one of the points of what being a friend means neways.}
I just don't understand some people at all. Some people don't even realize when they have something good standing right in front their damn face. I think I'm a good woman. i am loyal and honest to whoever I'm with because I mean Im fuckin 20 yrs old, I don't have time to be playing the childish games I once played cause in the long run they get you no where and I learned that pretty early since, I can admit, at one time I was at the stage of "fuck niggas, I'm just going to use them to get what I want." But I don't want that anymore and it seems like now that I want something more serious, no dude does...or they say they do but act like the complete opposite <-----which is my situation right now.
Lets call this person "Deion" since I don't really feel like being a bitch today and exposing this person's true identity.
I've been with Deion since August but with the things we been through you would think it been longer. I care for him a lot and have nothing but love for him....I wouldn't say I'm completely in love with him but I have madd love for this nigga. Things between us were so good for a while, I was happy and my roomie even noticed that cause she knew how I was with dudes, I never really gave a damn about there feelings lol. But out of no where things changed and it hasn't been the same since. I feel like he is such an asshole towards me now and he doesn't really care like he used to. Besides those two points he is also getting very disrespectful towards me and that is the thing I won't take. But the issue is that, like I said before, I really care about him and I wanna try and work it out. In the past I wouldn't even waste my time with such foolishness and I shouldn't now. I tell him how I feel about whats going on and he says I'm a baby and always complaining. Then he will say he is sorry he is being asshole...I then agree to keep trying to make it work.....but in a matter of hours, he goes right back to acting like he doesn't care. I'm gonna have to let "Deion" go. I never toke that shit from any other nigga and, no matter how much I care about him, I won't take it from a nigga now. Why is it that I can never get what I want? Why are my feelings always looked over and just ignored?
So deep down inside, I don't wanna do it but I have to. "Never lose sight of what's important in life." Thats me. My feelings are important, I'M important. So if a nigga doesn't realize how good I am to them, then I need to do whats best for me and leave that nigga alone.
In the words of the late New Orleans rapper Soulja Slim {r.i.p} "For everyone that I lose I bounce back with two."
Monday, December 15, 2008
Max and his bitch go look for Jim Jones!!!
I wasn't I can't say anything about nothing except what was on the video, which you need to watch to see what happened. I will say Max got mad as hell at the camera man lol he should feel played he got yelled at like he was his kid lol. Also, I really hope Jim didn't bitch out like this video makes it seem, hopefully he wasn't the one who called the police. Oh and why is French "I wanna be like Max" Montana there again?
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Love you bestie!!! You finally turned 20, your a lil late but oh well lol. Been bestfriends for years and we have many memories, can't wait to build more for many more years to come. See you in like a week or some when I come back home for the holidays!!!
Pic of me and Miriam in New York (December 07)
Pic of me and Miriam in New York (December 07)

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Ewwww......this nigga need some pu$$y BADD!!!
This nigga is nasty as hell. He will never get a bitch after this one...then he sticking his finger in his belly button then suckin on it.
LMAO @ the end this dude randomly puts some sauce on his sunflower seeds!!! HAHAHA poor baby!
LMAO @ the end this dude randomly puts some sauce on his sunflower seeds!!! HAHAHA poor baby!
NERD-Sooner Or Later...Behind the scenes of the video!
I think there album Seeing Sounds was soooo dope. I'm glad they are putting out another video but I wish they would have did it for the song Kill Joy or Anti Matter and not Sooner or later. But oh well, still looking forward to see this one, concept is pretty sick.
And he's still goin on with the Soulja Boy beef......
In my previous blog about the "beef" I included the track. But today Charles Hamilton toke it a step further and released the video for the track. Seriously? Are you that mad about the situation that you gotta come this hard at Soulja Boy.
Keep in mind both these dudes are signed to the same label. Soulja Boys new album comes out this Tuesday and alot of people are saying they are doing this to increase the sales. I highly disagree. They are no 50 and Kanye.
Keep in mind both these dudes are signed to the same label. Soulja Boys new album comes out this Tuesday and alot of people are saying they are doing this to increase the sales. I highly disagree. They are no 50 and Kanye.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Freaky Friday #2: Anal Sex

So far I get all my freaky Friday ideas from a convo I have with my friends...does that mean my friends are freaky? Fuckin right lol!!!!
My mans Kevin and I was enjoying some food at the chicken spot by my apartment and in walks this chick with a big ass booty. I mean this booty was just out the box yo {no homo} it was way to big for her body lol. So neways, of course Kevin noticed it (just like the other 3 or 4 dudes in the spot) and the first thing that came out his mouth was......"that bitch get madd anal." Ok, first off I laughed so loud everybody toke their eyes off the booty for one quick second to see what bitch is laughing so fuckin loud. Second off, is that the first thing niggas think when a bitch got ass?
So of course I asked him why he thinks that and he said he doesn't know, he just knows when he first started dating his ex she had no ass but then they started having anal sex and within a month she magically grew a ass. {Ok now ladies don't go out there and start gettin it in the booty just cause you want a ass cause I don't think it works like that.} But we started talkin about anal sex and he asked if I ever did it...... HELL TO THE NAW!!!! Then he wanna say I'm lieing cause every bitch tryed it before. Really? I highly doubt that. And I will proudly be the only bitch who hasn't.
I don't think I'm the only one who thinks this, but if anybody else thinks I am let me know so I can go get my bestfriend who will agree with me. I will admit that I can be a freak when needed but anal sex is not my thing. I don't see why (unless your gay) you would want anything going in your ass. That shit is just nasty. Then it takes to much work. You gotta make sure everything is lubricated so you won't rip ya damn asshole and it will go in easier, then it makes your shit looser so you gonna be shiting like water later on, then you can't get a cum from your ass so you gotta play with yourself while ya man in ya ass gettin him. Damn, I make that shit sound madd nasty lol. Well it is dammit!! I understand men like it cause it tight as hell {Kevins words, not mine} but I just can't do it. Maybe if I was fuckin wit a nigga with a 2 inch dick I would consider it...but that will never happen cause if you only got 2 inchs your ass should be embrassed to pull it out and just stick to given head.
Ok so Charles Hamilton got beef with Soulja Boy?? Get over ya self please!! Plus {New Ish} His video for Brooklyn Girls
Charles Hamilton just really gettin his foot in the industry door and he got beef with Soulja Boy? Out of all people? I am not one of the Souljia Boy haters at all cause I think he truly be on his grind, wouldn't say he is a "rapper" but he does get his money doin his "dance music" thing and he is not killing hip hop like all the haters would say. Charles Hamilton A.K.A Sonic The Hedgehog is mad cause someone compared him to Soulja Boy and made a response then Soulja Boy made his own video response...wateva. I honestly think Charles Hamilton does his thing on the mic but don't get so cocky that you feel like your a king compared to Soulja Boy. Anyway here is the diss track.....
---->did this nigga say c-pain? lol funny!
Yea so anyways....besides all the beef, Charles Hamilton finally has his debut video out and its for his song "Brooklyn Girls." I like it!
---->did this nigga say c-pain? lol funny!
Yea so anyways....besides all the beef, Charles Hamilton finally has his debut video out and its for his song "Brooklyn Girls." I like it!
Max B and his Dipset beef
Ok so if you not a big fan of J.R. Writer or Max B or rappers who beef, well than this entry is not for you so you might as well not read this one!
When the beef first started I wasn't gonna blog about it cause I thought it was just gonna be done with real fast but after today I changed my mind. So to catch you up on everything, the Boss Don did a interview talkin bout he seen JR Writer and Writer got all scared in shit when he started talkin to him......
So the day after that video came out J.R. gave a lil response....
----->sidenote: I do not like this curly heair thing he got goin on
And after that Max never did a response but J.R. put out this diss track....
DAYS go by and still no response from the Biggaveli and today J.R. put out another diss track...
-----> side note: beat is dope
Then a couple hours after the track was released, Max B finally put some kinda response out. But is this is all Max had to say??? All he could think of was "baby fish"?
Come on Biggaveli!! I'm not takin sides on this one since I'm a loyal fan of Dipset and I also like Max, but damn nigga don't get backed into the corner. Writer did 2....not 1....but 2 diss tracks and all you could do is a interview sayin he is a nobody? J.R. completely exposed this nigga and he doesn't feel the need to say anything about it!?! Well I guess he just finds himself better than Writer and doesn't think he needs to lower his "wave" to get at him. Also, at the same time that all this is going on, they (meaning Max B & his bitch French Montana) are trying to stir up beef with Hell Rell an. After a few videos talkin bout Hell Rell and him gettin shot in the ass...blah...blah...blah...Rell basically said in response that Max makes good music but doesn't need to get beside hisself when it comes to the beef. Which, I think, is straight to the point and he wasn't gonna hate on his music cause he knows he makes good music. I guess Rell was like, why make a whole record when I can just simply say how I feel on a interview. So basically, Max is just tryin to get at the whole Dipset and now his dick rider French Montana just feels like he needs to tag along when it really has nothing to do with him and at the end of the day he is still a wack ass rapper. Also, Max needs to lay off the Dipset beef a lil''s getting kinda old and you don't need to ride on beef your whole career. I understand he was frustrated with Jimmy "black balling" him, but it happened, get over it. Just keep makin people ride the wave without the beef and he'll be good.{OWWWWW} Max done said words about Jim, Freekey, Juelz, Hell Rell and J.R. Writer and they all said a lil' something back. So now I'm guessin 40 Cal will be next and then I'm crossing my fingers he will say something bout my husband,{Cam'ron 4 you idiots that didn't know}, so he would come out of hiding, but he still probably wont!!! Shit, if he say something about Cam'ron, I'm not riding with the wave anymore!
When the beef first started I wasn't gonna blog about it cause I thought it was just gonna be done with real fast but after today I changed my mind. So to catch you up on everything, the Boss Don did a interview talkin bout he seen JR Writer and Writer got all scared in shit when he started talkin to him......
So the day after that video came out J.R. gave a lil response....
----->sidenote: I do not like this curly heair thing he got goin on
And after that Max never did a response but J.R. put out this diss track....
DAYS go by and still no response from the Biggaveli and today J.R. put out another diss track...
-----> side note: beat is dope
Then a couple hours after the track was released, Max B finally put some kinda response out. But is this is all Max had to say??? All he could think of was "baby fish"?
Come on Biggaveli!! I'm not takin sides on this one since I'm a loyal fan of Dipset and I also like Max, but damn nigga don't get backed into the corner. Writer did 2....not 1....but 2 diss tracks and all you could do is a interview sayin he is a nobody? J.R. completely exposed this nigga and he doesn't feel the need to say anything about it!?! Well I guess he just finds himself better than Writer and doesn't think he needs to lower his "wave" to get at him. Also, at the same time that all this is going on, they (meaning Max B & his bitch French Montana) are trying to stir up beef with Hell Rell an. After a few videos talkin bout Hell Rell and him gettin shot in the ass...blah...blah...blah...Rell basically said in response that Max makes good music but doesn't need to get beside hisself when it comes to the beef. Which, I think, is straight to the point and he wasn't gonna hate on his music cause he knows he makes good music. I guess Rell was like, why make a whole record when I can just simply say how I feel on a interview. So basically, Max is just tryin to get at the whole Dipset and now his dick rider French Montana just feels like he needs to tag along when it really has nothing to do with him and at the end of the day he is still a wack ass rapper. Also, Max needs to lay off the Dipset beef a lil''s getting kinda old and you don't need to ride on beef your whole career. I understand he was frustrated with Jimmy "black balling" him, but it happened, get over it. Just keep makin people ride the wave without the beef and he'll be good.{OWWWWW} Max done said words about Jim, Freekey, Juelz, Hell Rell and J.R. Writer and they all said a lil' something back. So now I'm guessin 40 Cal will be next and then I'm crossing my fingers he will say something bout my husband,{Cam'ron 4 you idiots that didn't know}, so he would come out of hiding, but he still probably wont!!! Shit, if he say something about Cam'ron, I'm not riding with the wave anymore!
Back to Hip Hop....Common's new album {Random Piff}

Hip hop is so commercial these days but on Commons new album 'Universal Mind Control' that came out this Tuesday, he proved why he will be leaving a print in the game when its all said and done. Honestly, when his first single came out for this cd, the song with Pharrell, I was like oh hell naw Common you going way off from what kinda music you make. I mean everybody wants to do something different and shit but Common completely shocked me with that cause he always stuck to who he was. So yeah, when I heard that I was like well thats a cd I won't be listening to...well I guess I was crossing my fingers cause I heard this song on the internet early yesturday morning and went my ass to the store and spent my lil $$ on his album.......
.......and this is just a sample of what the album is about. This album is dope {period} and I'm not just sayin this cause he is a sexy ass man either lol!!!
New Ish: Kid Cudi-Super Boo
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Lol "What if that shit had hit me in my pretty ass face??"
Kanye is a fool for this one.....a person at the concert threw a penny at him on stage and Kanye decided to give him a lil' shine! That nigga probably went home and told his people "Kanye dedicated a whole freestyle to me in autotune!" {Lucky you....the whole world seen it too}
Life Ish: Men
Where do I begin with this one??
I have one of the best male friends in the world and it seems like even he can't help me with my men problems. I would think he could relate and let me know his opinion on things from a males point of view but I guess not........It's not like me to be the bitch who is like "fuck niggas. I dont need no man what can they do for me. All men are dogs. all men lie and cheat. all niggas do is play games" well you get the point lol. But thats just not me cause I know just like men they have women who lie, cheat and don't value having someone who will be loyal to them. And at the end of the day, unless ur lesbian, you need a man. So I'm not gonna sit on this blog and down talk men because honestly women who do that are bitter and have not found that guy yet.
But the point of this blog is to question, why is it that it be the person who you have the most struggles with that you wanna stick with the most? Am I the only one that ever experienced this? {If any of ya'll answered yes then you need to look in the mirror and see if your face holds straight when u lie!} I mean the person I am with right now is someone I truly care about and is actually the first person that I feels can keep me grounded cause most dudes just can't handle my attitude and honestly I can't deal with no pus*y ass nigga. But dating him comes with so many struggles. Me and him only been dating since August but it feels like way longer with all the shit we been through. And see, I write that sentence and ask myself...if you been through so much shit why stick with it? Then I bounce back and ask myself I really care about him so why not? Is it wrong for me to think that one day all the hard struggles will be over and we will be good?....well damn, I know that answer, life is not a fairytale. But how long do I stay through it? We work out our problems but what happens when the problem is worse next time? I'm the type of person who strongly believes everything happens for a reason and you don't regret anything, just take it as life lessons but right now I feel like I don't know how to settle any of the problems, and most of the problems are because I am stubbern and don't wanna let things go by, but at the same time I don't wanna let go.
Where do I begin with this one??
I have one of the best male friends in the world and it seems like even he can't help me with my men problems. I would think he could relate and let me know his opinion on things from a males point of view but I guess not........It's not like me to be the bitch who is like "fuck niggas. I dont need no man what can they do for me. All men are dogs. all men lie and cheat. all niggas do is play games" well you get the point lol. But thats just not me cause I know just like men they have women who lie, cheat and don't value having someone who will be loyal to them. And at the end of the day, unless ur lesbian, you need a man. So I'm not gonna sit on this blog and down talk men because honestly women who do that are bitter and have not found that guy yet.
But the point of this blog is to question, why is it that it be the person who you have the most struggles with that you wanna stick with the most? Am I the only one that ever experienced this? {If any of ya'll answered yes then you need to look in the mirror and see if your face holds straight when u lie!} I mean the person I am with right now is someone I truly care about and is actually the first person that I feels can keep me grounded cause most dudes just can't handle my attitude and honestly I can't deal with no pus*y ass nigga. But dating him comes with so many struggles. Me and him only been dating since August but it feels like way longer with all the shit we been through. And see, I write that sentence and ask myself...if you been through so much shit why stick with it? Then I bounce back and ask myself I really care about him so why not? Is it wrong for me to think that one day all the hard struggles will be over and we will be good?....well damn, I know that answer, life is not a fairytale. But how long do I stay through it? We work out our problems but what happens when the problem is worse next time? I'm the type of person who strongly believes everything happens for a reason and you don't regret anything, just take it as life lessons but right now I feel like I don't know how to settle any of the problems, and most of the problems are because I am stubbern and don't wanna let things go by, but at the same time I don't wanna let go.
{New Ish} Back to my Dipset shit....
I can't express enough how much I liked Dipset as a WHOLE and for those who don't understand plain english....which it seems like you don't since I keep gettin hate mail about Dipset in my myspace mailbox....when I say whole I mean when everyone was together you dumb bitches! {Had to do a lil rant real quick lol} But neways I'm happy to see some of them doin there thing right now and they comin wit the videos kinda heavy right now!
......BUT like I said in a previous blog, I don't like when they try the Christmas/hip hop thing. Here is a video from Juelz Santana & Starr- Jingle Bellz off the album Jim Jones & Skull Gang present A Tribute to Bad Santa. I mean it's ok, I seen worse. I think Starr distract me though cause she dont really know what to do and she always wearing them red boots lol...but I think she can sing, if that counts for anything these days.
And then there is Freekey Zekey's new video for the song '25' feat. Sen City and Jim Jones. When i heard this song about 2 months ago on his Myspace i thought it was aight but unless your a Dipset fan you wouldn't know why the hell Freekey thinks he can be a rapper and you probably won't like his music. Honestly, I only like his music (sometimes) cause he is madd funny. Anyways the song if off the album "Loyalty Is Everything".........sidenote: practice what you preach Freekey!
......BUT like I said in a previous blog, I don't like when they try the Christmas/hip hop thing. Here is a video from Juelz Santana & Starr- Jingle Bellz off the album Jim Jones & Skull Gang present A Tribute to Bad Santa. I mean it's ok, I seen worse. I think Starr distract me though cause she dont really know what to do and she always wearing them red boots lol...but I think she can sing, if that counts for anything these days.
And then there is Freekey Zekey's new video for the song '25' feat. Sen City and Jim Jones. When i heard this song about 2 months ago on his Myspace i thought it was aight but unless your a Dipset fan you wouldn't know why the hell Freekey thinks he can be a rapper and you probably won't like his music. Honestly, I only like his music (sometimes) cause he is madd funny. Anyways the song if off the album "Loyalty Is Everything".........sidenote: practice what you preach Freekey!
Back to our regular scheduled program....Piff Of The Week: Kanye West ft. Lil' Wayne-See You In My Nightmares
I know, I know....I've been a bad blogger by disappearing for a couple weeks but I'm back, no need to worry :)
So before I disappeared, I was anxiously waiting for Kanye's new album to drop and now that its out, I have to put one of my favorite songs as the 'piff of the week.' I was kinda debating on which song it will be since I really like most of the songs on the album but since I had a huge argument with my man last night, right now I'm feeling "See you in my nightmares" feat. Lil'Wayne.
.............."Cause we were once a fairytale, but this is fare well"
So before I disappeared, I was anxiously waiting for Kanye's new album to drop and now that its out, I have to put one of my favorite songs as the 'piff of the week.' I was kinda debating on which song it will be since I really like most of the songs on the album but since I had a huge argument with my man last night, right now I'm feeling "See you in my nightmares" feat. Lil'Wayne.
.............."Cause we were once a fairytale, but this is fare well"
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